Thursday, July 9, 2009

Thing #12

My definition of Web 2.0 is anything that invites participation from the global community. Web 2.0 sites unlinke websites are no longer static pages that only change when the format is changed or new links are added.
Commenting on blogs is what keeps blogs alive. Cool Cat Teacher said "Commenting is part of this global conversation. People who make meaningful comments understand that this new Internet is about discussing our common concerns and coming up with solutions in a more expeditious and helpful manner that does not exclude anyone." I think commenting is what makes blogs a Web 2.0 tool.
With that said, Cool Cat Teacher's first suggestion is most important "Write a meaningful comment." If you are going to take the time to make a comment then you should write something that means something either telling the author why you agree or disagree, and I think you should put something personal in it. Giving of yourself is what makes you part of the conversation. No one just spots out facts. If you are going to give facts then definitely you should link to where you got them. (That is the researcher in me. Always give credit!)

I also think you should "Remember the power of words," Cool Cat Teachers #7. Just as much as it is ok to disagree with an author you should do it with tact. I have always told my children that you can think whatever you want, but you should realize that once you let those thoughts take on a voice it is sometimes hard to quiet that voice or even make it shut up! and you can never take back something once it comes out of your mouth, in this case however it is what comes out of your keyboard. The written, and posted word can never be undone. So people should make comments based on that theory. You are allowed to have your opinion, but so are other people and bloggers give their opinons on their blogs, not just about what they think in their own right, but what they think and feel about the world around them. You must agree to disagree occasionally.

We have 9 members from BISD "playing" this summer and I try to comment on all those blogs, maybe not everyday, but at least when a new post is made.

When creating the RSS feeds with Google reader, I subscribed to several different blogs mostly about technology and library information. I have commented on Free Technology for Teachers which gives many great websites and ideas for incorporating them into the classroom. Each post also has an applicaiton for education part to it.

I have also responded to some of the groups in Library Thing. I have not joined any groups yet, but I have commented on some. The Hogwarts Express is interesting to read with all the excitment around the upcoming movie.

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