Sunday, July 25, 2010

11.5 More Things - Thing 5

I am relatively new to Facebook, but I have embraced it! My daughters call me a "Facebook Creeper" I do enjoy reading everyone's posts and I do spend time keeping up with my daughter's friends by reading their status. It truly gives you an insight to what people find interesting. I do not post my own status very often. I really don't feel like people really want to know what I am doing every second of the day.
I signed up for Twitter tonight and it is the social app that I understand the least. I mean why would I want to know that my friend is eating popcorn or some of the more mundane things I have seen tweeted.
This instant and constant need to inform people of their most insignifigant details is where our teenagers are however. Some of my daughter's friends post a status change on Facebook every hour, and then all their friends comment. It seems that all these teenagers do is post or check their Facebook.
It would make sense to use this as a tool to reach our students. This is where their time and energy is spent, so why not set up class accounts, teacher accounts and let them use it as a way to remind students of assignments, interact with them about their opinions about assignments, or allow them to respond to class issues.
It is also a great way to keep parents involved and up to date.
I see more of a benefit to use Facebook than twitter.
The thought of using back-channeling is interesting. I feel that it could add to inservices and presentations. It would be an interesting arguement to try and get the district to allow the students to use their texting to be able to interact. As it stands right now they can not even have phones out.
I understand the possible problems that could arise, but I do think the benefits will out weigh the risks.

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