Thursday, July 2, 2009

Thing # 9

How many blog subscriptions should one person have? Add in all the news RSS feeds and the entertainment feeds and pretty soon you can get overwhelmed! What kind of blogs should you read, need to read, want to read? I used Technorati to search for different blogs, but at first it was confusing as to what exactly I was looking for and how to use the search, it kept going to posts instead of blogs. Once I got that figured out it was an easy tool to use.
I also looked at the edublogs award winners, however one of the ones that won an award had to be shut down because of inappropriate student information - I am not exactlly sure but after the blog was "closed" the person kept blogging about what was happening to him so how did that blog win an award?
Atomic learning looks like a very useful tool too bad our district does not subscribe.

RSS feeds are a wonderful tool, but I think we can bog ourselves down with too much information so we must carefully pick and choose what we want to spend time reading. An RSS reader will help with that since you can see just small portions of all the blogs you subscribe too.

1 comment:

  1. occasionally Atomic Learning features some free lessons/ may want to check back periodically


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